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Nice proverbs and expressions about shaving, mustaches, and beards

Leuke spreekwoorden en uitdrukkingen over scheren, snorren en baarden - Manandshaving

Shaving and taking care of your mustache and beard are part of daily life for many men. It is therefore not surprising that there are many fun proverbs and expressions related to shaving, mustaches, beards, and shaving products like razors and soap. We have compiled well-known and lesser-known proverbs and sayings by category. If you know any others, let us know.


  • To have a beard in the throat: the transition from child’s voice to adult voice
  • The wolf may change its beard but not its nature: the character of people does not change quickly
  • A joke with a beard: a very old joke
  • Playing for the emperor's beard: playing for honor
  • Quarreling over the emperor's beard: arguing over something small
  • Fighting for the emperor's beard: fighting over nothing
  • Making a beard of flax for God: hypocritical behavior



  • That’s alright: it will all turn out well in the end
  • To have a mustache: to be a little drunk
  • To press his mustache: to be deliberately absent or just not doing your work



  • To shave everything with one comb: to treat everything and everyone equally
  • To shave someone with something: to mock something or someone
  • If you are being shaved, you must sit still: if there is sharp criticism against you or you find yourself in a tense situation, it is better not to react immediately or to calmly wait until it is over

There are more expressions about shaving, but these relate to shearing sheep.



A tongue like a razor: a person who strikes out venomously with words



To bring/let someone go to soap: to kill someone or to cause something to fail