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Prevent annoying shaving irritation

Voorkom irritante scheerirritatie - Manandshaving

What are the causes of shaving irritations

Nowadays, men have to show their feelings. At Manandshaving.nl, we don't do that. With us, it's all about a comfortable, pleasant, fresh, and smooth shaving result. Regardless of whether you have normal or sensitive skin. Many men have sensitive skin. Shaving can be a cause of annoying skin irritations, such as razor bumps, ingrown hairs, or a dry, tight, and pulling sensation after shaving.

There are 3 causes of the most common shaving irritations during or after shaving:

  1. Your own shaving technique, such as shaving too roughly, too often, applying too much pressure on the skin, etc.
  2. The wrong shaving product, for example, ready-made shaving foam, cheap shaving soap, perfumed shaving soap, and alcohol-containing aftershave
  3. The type of razor, for example, 3- or 5-blade cartridge razors

How do I prevent shaving irritations

The most common shaving or skin irritations are:

  1. Ingrown hairs
  2. Razor bumps
  3. Dry, rough, and tight skin
  4. Red spots and burning sensation
  5. Dry, flaky skin
  6. Shaving cuts
  7. Allergic reactions, such as eczema and itching

The causes of shaving irritations are of course different for everyone. What works very well for one person can work the opposite for another. Your shaving irritation is of course related to your skin and beard type. Below is an overview of tips to prevent stubborn and annoying shaving irritations. As you know from us: 'You don't have to do anything at all.' We don't intend for the overview to be complete, but perhaps there are some handy tips for you.

Tip Heavy beard growth Dry skin Oily skin Sensitive skin Ingrown hairs
Cleanse with a pH-neutral cleansing gel instead of regular hand soap.
Clean the skin with an exfoliating cleansing gel or a scrub gel 1 or 2 times a week. Do not do this too often and not directly before or after shaving.
Do not shave with a dull razor.
Always shave with a clean razor.
Do not apply too much pressure on the razor while shaving.
Take your time, shave with light and calm movements.
Shave with a safety razor, open razor or shavette razor.
Shave with a safety razor with closed comb.
Shave with a safety razor with open comb.
Use only unscented, hypoallergenic or paraben-free shaving products.
Always use a pre shave cream or oil before shaving.
Use a classic shaving soap or shaving cream instead of ready-made shaving foam, shaving gel, or shaving oil
Lather the shaving soap or shaving cream on the face with warm water and a shaving brush for at least 1 minute.
Do not shave the beard hairs too short.
Shave only in the direction of hair growth.
First shave in the direction of hair growth. Apply shaving foam again and shave against the direction of hair growth.
Pull the skin tight with one hand while shaving.
Use an alum block after shaving.
Use an alcohol after shave splash and alum block after shaving.
Soothe the skin with an after shave balm.
Soothe the skin with an unscented after shave balm.
Soothe the skin with talcum powder after the after shave balm.
Use a moisturizer (hydrating cream) after the after shave balm
Use an oil-absorbing moisturizer.
Do not use alcohol-based after shave on freshly shaved skin.
Use special exfoliating cream or gel that prevents ingrown beard hairs before or after shaving