Why do I need a shaving brush?
I would like to start wet shaving. But why do I need a shaving brush right now?
I would like to start wet shaving. But why do I need a shaving brush right now?
- Shaving soap or cream should be lathered with water and the shaving brush.
- The combination of shaving soap or shaving cream, warm water and the shaving brush will soften the beard hairs, protect the skin properly and care for it while shaving.
- The shaving brush allows you to properly apply and distribute the shaving cream over the face.
When do you or do you not need a shaving brush?
I want to shave wet. Do I need a shaving brush for this?
I want to shave wet. Do I need a shaving brush for this?
- Yes, if you shaving soap or shaving cream going to use you have a shaving brush needed to make shaving cream.
- No, if you use ready-made shaving cream from a shaving foam can, you don't need a shaving brush.
- No, if you shaving gel you don't need a shaving brush. You apply shaving gel with your fingers.
- No, if you shaving oil you don't need a shaving brush. You apply shaving oil with your fingers.
Do I need a shaving brush if I am going to shave with a shaving soap or shaving cream?
Should any shaving soap, shaving cream or shaving gel be applied with a shaving brush?
Should any shaving soap, shaving cream or shaving gel be applied with a shaving brush?
- Shaving soap or shaving cream should be foamed up using warm water and the shaving brush.
- Shaving cream ready-made from a shaving foam can be applied using the fingers.
- Shaving gel and shaving oil are applied directly using the fingers.
Which shaving brush should I use for wet shaving?
I want to start wet shaving. What is the best shaving brush to use for this?
I want to start wet shaving. What is the best shaving brush to use for this?
- This is obviously very personal.
- According to many shaving enthusiasts, a shaving brush of badger hair gives the best and most beautiful shaving foam results.
- Why. A badger hair shaving brush absorbs a lot of water so it produces the right texture of foam. The structure of the bristles ensures that you get a nice shaving foam quickly and smoothly.A badger hair shaving brush feels comfortable on the skin.
- Do you have ethical concerns about using animal hair or are you vegan? Then use a Shaving brush with synthetic hair. These have practically the same resistance, elasticity and softness as badger hair.
- Shaving brushes with hog bristles feel slightly stiffer compared to badger hair and synthetic hair. The advantage of hog bristles is that these shaving brushes are more economical.
What is the best shaving brush in case of acne or sensitive skin?
I have acne or sensitive skin. What is the best shaving brush to use?
I have acne or sensitive skin. What is the best shaving brush to use?
- Use a synthetic hair shaving brush.
- Synthetic bristles hold less bacteria and are therefore slightly more hygienic to use.
- After use, always rinse the shaving brush well, dry it and hang it upside down in a container. shaving brush holder.
What types of shaving brushes are for sale?
Shaving soap or shaving cream is applied with a shaving brush. But which shaving brush is the best? Which shaving brush produces a lot of shaving cream? What are expensive or inexpensive shaving brushes?
Shaving soap or shaving cream is applied with a shaving brush. But which shaving brush is the best? Which shaving brush produces a lot of shaving cream? What are expensive or inexpensive shaving brushes?
Below is an overview of all types of shaving brushes.
How do I use a shaving brush?
I use a shaving brush for shaving. What is the best way to use the shaving brush? How do I get a good shaving cream?
I use a shaving brush for shaving. What is the best way to use the shaving brush? How do I get a good shaving cream?
- First cleanse the face with a cleansing gel.
- Wet the face with lukewarm water.
- Make the shaving brush wet with lukewarm water.
- The shaving brush should be moist, not soaking wet.
- Put a small amount of shaving cream on the shaving brush or soap the shaving brush with shaving soap.
- Move the shaving brush back and forth across the face. Do not apply pressure. Gently stroke the shaving brush over the skin.
- Let the shaving cream soak in for a moment. This will soften and soften the beard hairs. After that, you can start shaving.
- After shaving, rinse the shaving brush thoroughly, blow dry and hang upside down in a shaving brush holder.
How should I properly maintain a shaving brush?
I just got a new shaving brush. What is the best way to maintain and use my shaving brush?
I just got a new shaving brush. What is the best way to maintain and use my shaving brush?
- A shaving brush is a handmade artisan product and has a long lifespan. Poor maintenance and not cleaning your shaving brush properly will cause it to lose hairs.
- A new shaving brush should be washed with lukewarm water before its first use. Put a small amount of ordinary mild shampoo in lukewarm water and rinse the shaving brush with this. Then rinse the shaving brush with lukewarm water and dry.
- Never clean the shaving brush with aggressive cleaning, disinfecting or bleaching agents.
- After shaving, always rinse the shaving brush thoroughly, dry it and hang it upside down in a container. shaving brush holder. This makes the shaving brush last longer.
- Never store a used shaving brush in a toiletry bag.
- Wet the shaving brush before shaving with lukewarm water up to 40° C. Never use hot water (this can damage the bonding of the bristles).
- Using a circular motion, pick up shaving soap and make shaving foam. This is done with the hair tips of the shaving brush. Never flatten the shaving brush in the shaving soap.
- Using a gentle back-and-forth motion, apply shaving cream to the face. Be sure to apply light pressure. Do not flatten the shaving brush on the face.
- Apply the shaving cream for some time (at least a minute) and let it soak in. The beard hairs will start to fill up with water. This softens the beard hairs. This provides more comfort and a smoother shave.
- After use, clean the shaving brush thoroughly with lukewarm water. In particular, rinse the binding of the bristles at the handle well. Do not squeeze the shaving brush dry, but blow it dry.
- Always hang the shaving brush in a shaving brush holder. This allows the shaving brush to wash out well. Store the shaving brush in a dry room.
- The cheap drugstore and supermarket shaving soaps or shaving creams are very aggressive. These shaving products are highly alkaline and can damage and break the bristles of the shaving brush. This causes hair loss.
Badger hair shaving brushes
If you choose luxury, then you choose a beautiful Badger hair shaving brush. Badger hair shaving brushes feel pleasant to the skin and smoothly produce a nice full shaving foam.

Pig bristle shaving brushes
Pig bristle shaving brushes are inexpensively priced. A pig bristle shaving brushfeels firm and stiff. Pig hair feels slightly stiffer than badger hair.

Shaving brushes made of synthetic hair
Object to a shaving brush made of badger or hog hair? Then choose a shaving brush made of synthetic hair. Synthetic bristles have practically the same resistance, elasticity and softness of badger hair.
Suffering from acne? Then use a shaving brush made of synthetic bristles. Synthetic bristles are more hygienic to use.